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Lower Your Business Insurance Premiums With A CMMS


For any company, insurance can be a lifesaver. Theft, fires, injury, you name it- insurance keeps companies afloat during or after unfortunate circumstances. It’s also, you know, required by law. And it’s for that reason most companies want to make sure they get the most coverage for the lowest possible rate. Some of this is bargain hunting- looking for the best deal- but this can only get you so far.

The actual best way to have the lowest possible insurance premiums is to make sure your company has as little risk associated with it as possible. Some of this is unavoidable- your workers may perform maintenance on heavy machinery in dangerous situations. But there are still great steps you can take to lower every amount of risk that’s in your power.

Use A Great CMMS

A great CMMS will make a world of difference for your company. You’ll be able to prioritize the most important work orders first, to ensure that the most danger-inducing problems are handled immediately while the dripping faucet in the breakroom gets put on the backburner. A CMMS will also allow you to keep records of your maintenance history, which is crucial for both internal use (optimizing maintenance operations and reporting on costs) and external use (potential audits from outside resources or proving that you did, in fact, fix that gas leak in 37 seconds).

Train Your Employees

It may seem like common sense, but properly training your employees is a great way to improve your maintenance efforts in almost every way. A skilled technician won’t have to waste time trying to figure out what part they need pulled from inventory or the best order of operations when repairing an electrical issue. They’ll be able to get the work done and over with, making time for other (potentially serious) work orders, saving time and cutting risks.

Get Ahead of the Competition

You might wonder what this would have to do with lowering your insurance premiums. Well, if you’re a front-runner in your field of business, insurance companies will take notice. The biggest fish typically have the biggest say, and if you’re the best of the best, you’ll be able to throw your proverbial weight around. There’s also a chance you’ll be invited to participate in special industry trade or professional organizations. Some insurance companies offer special rates to businesses in these organizations, which could be lower than your current rates on your own.

Where Should You Start?

Where every maintenance company should- with a proper CMMS. MicroMain’s CMMS software has industry-leading features, like auto-magically generating preventive maintenance plans, multi-site compatibility, a straightforward and friendly user interface, advanced reporting, and much more! If you’re ready to start down the path of making your workplace a safe place, contact one us here for a free demo with one of our professional and knowledgeable staff!



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