Learn how to estimate Return on Investment (ROI) and how to reduce maintenance costs with CMMS
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Webinar Transcription
All right, well, good afternoon or good morning depending on where you’re located. Thank you very much for taking time from your day for today’s MicroMain Webinar. As you can see from the screen, we’re going to go over the ROI Estimator today. We’ll be talking through some key points related to ROI when considering a CMMS solution for your organization. We’ll also dive into the application briefly as well, once we get through with the slides as well.
So a little bit about who we are. Again, we are MicroMain. We are headquartered in Austin, Texas. We’ve been around since 1991 providing solutions related to maintenance management and facility management to all development support and sales occur here at this location. We do have about 3,700 customers worldwide, primarily here across the US, but worldwide as well. Here are just some logos that some of you who may be familiar with as far as current customers who are utilizing the MicroMain System.
So please tell us about your current maintenance process. Just select an item and click submit. Looks like a majority of folks do have a CMMS system in place. If you are considering changing and some that are not using, so today’s call will be very helpful regardless if you have a CMMS system in place or not, really to understand the dynamics when it comes to managing your maintenance processes and what it means to the business from an ROI standpoint.
Identify five areas affected by CMMS software. We’ll review the software functionality. Of course, the application gives the opportunity to document, monitor and report on critical areas. And the data CMMS software provides will give you an opportunity to improve processes and performance while reducing your cost. So we’ll walk through the ROI Estimator, provide you with an example of its use, and then lastly, you’ll have access to the ROI Estimator so that you can apply your company’s information as well.
Evaluate potential savings in the following areas — extending your asset life. That’s very key. We hear that from time to time. If we just had scheduled maintenance or not forgotten to perform our scheduled maintenance, then these assets could have extended, the life of them could have extended longer. Maintaining your proper inventory levels — this is huge especially in folks in manufacturing environments or production environment. Not having a part or an inventory item out of stock when it’s a dire situation where cutting down production is definitely not what upper management want to hear.
Increasing productivity and reducing overtime. Become more efficient. Become more efficient with your technicians. Are they completing jobs in an appropriate amount of time? Would that help to reduce overtime within your working environment? Reducing utility usage — the longer you’re there, the more items are done, the longer the facility’s open, the longer it takes to do things. All that counts towards your utility costs as well, and we’re talking about that as well.
Equipment downtime – this relates to all the above, really. How do we make sure the equipment is not down? And when it is down, how do we reduce that amount of downtime, again, especially if it’s production related or even if it’s something as simple as an air handler. How does that affect your colleagues in those other areas where it’s a little hotter in their office today versus yesterday? Does that affect their productivity? Absolutely, as you know, if it’s hot in your office, I know if it’s hot in my office, I’m not very happy. I need it to be a little cooler. It helps my production as well. So results will vary for each of these items from each of your organizations and the accuracy of the estimator is improved when actual data for your company is utilized.
So increasing asset life, here’s an example. Assets all have a predicted lifespan. For example, if a piece of equipment costs $50,000 dollars and the lifetime for that equipment is estimated to be about 10 years, then you’re looking at about a $5000 per year cost for that asset. So even if it fails at nine and a half years, six months prior to its predicted life end, that is a loss of around $2500. Effective routine, scheduled preventive maintenance, it helps ensure that predicted lifespan of assets is maximized. We’ve even heard from customers that have stated, “Because we have finally implemented scheduled maintenance, something that’s supposed to last us five, ten years, we’ve been able to get an extra two, three or even 5 years out of that asset and helped it to keep our capital expenditures cost down.”
Review your company’s assets and measure the actual versus predicted lifespan. Focus on critical assets. How many assets are there? What is their asset value? And of course, this information gives you the data you need to estimate improved asset life and savings achieved when effective PMs are scheduled and executed.
How many users in your actual environment would need access to manage a CMMS system like this to manage work orders, submit work orders? I probably should be a little more clear regarding submitting work orders, really talking about managing the work orders as far as how many folks need access to the system. We do have a lot organizations that do utilize their work request model that we offer as well that allows for all the employees to submit those work requests. We’ll talk about those once we get beyond the slides here, but again it all plays a role when we’re looking at the ROI of not just purchasing but really what maintenance means to the organization.
Maintaining proper inventory levels. Really effectively monitor reports on parts usage. The MicroMain system offers the full audit trail on each part. What’s happening with it? Has it been used on work orders? Has it been issued out to a technician or to an asset? Has been ordered? Where in your organization is it being maintained? And you can define those inventory levels. We never want to fall below 10 parts, because this part is very crucial. How do you monitor and maintain that now?
Use collected data to maintain parts inventory at appropriate levels. Overstocking parts, do you have too many parts? If so, what was the cost of that? What is that cost due to your company when you say we really only need no more than 20 and we have 50? What does that do? Overstocking parts also opens the door to revenue loss should those parts become obsolete. What if that equipment fails and replacement of that equipment brings along something new to where all those parts you had purchased are no longer usable for that certain piece of equipment? And of course, depleted inventory slows maintenance performance. Production line equipment, something goes down, a part’s not there. It’s going to take two, three days to get it. What does that do? What does that mean for your business? So reviewing your company’s part usage, inventory levels and part obsolescence to identify opportunities for improvement.
Increased productivity and reduced overtime. Labor, as most of us know, is typically the largest cost for any business and it’s the same even within your maintenance environment. Tracking and reporting on actual labor usage. Improving process to best utilize labor assets to reduce overtime and contract labor costs. If you’re looking at certain third party contractors, if it takes ABC Company three hours to perform this maintenance versus XYZ company does it in two, what does that mean for your business? They’re doing the same exact thing. Automate the creation of work orders and scheduling of tasks. Assigning labor efficiently based on location, skills and availability. A work order comes in or a scheduled maintenance is occurring, how do you know to whom to assign it? Is there things that your current CMMS system offers or makes available to you to make that a time saver when it comes to sending out these work orders or assigning out these work orders to certain technicians.
And how many maintenance people do you have on your staff? How many are really needed and how much time is spent waiting for work orders or parts? How much time is dedicated to paperwork? Again, looking for efficiencies on not just how long it takes to complete the job before even the job starts, how long does it take to take to get that work order to a technician? How long does it take to assign that work order? All those items come into play to not just your technician to be more efficient. If you are an administrator or a scheduler, how do you become more efficient as well? Of course analyzing your company’s labor usage, what savings would be created by just a 5% improvement in labor across the board?
Reduce utilities usage, of course. The HVAC system in commercial facilities accounts for a significant portion of energy use. Proper maintenance, inspection, servicing can reduce utilities costs. We hear a lot of our customers not just scheduling preventive maintenance, scheduling routine inspections. The technicians are just going go out and observe that piece of equipment to make sure things are operating effectively. Is there any kind of damage, especially if these items are sitting on your roof? Is there any kind of external damage that could have occurred just from weather? What kind of routine inspections are you also performing to maximize your asset life? You review your company’s utility usage and repair replacement cost. Identifying opportunities for where maintenance improvements and cost savings.
So are you currently performing any kind of preventive maintenance or scheduled maintenance? I imagine the answer from most folks is yes. And there we are, that’s great. Performing these PMs, scheduling out your preventing maintenance, again scheduling out, just reminders, reminder to do something, reminder to recharge all your fire extinguishers, reminder to do a walk-through through the facility once a week to look for certain items. Whether it’s maintenance or just to-do reminder so that hey, we saw something and I noticed something had to be repaired, all that plays a role.
Equipment downtime. Downtime does affect all companies. What are the key factors for your company? Loss of deliverable product. We talked about that earlier. Production line goes down. What does that mean? Labor waste, scrap, rework costs from manufacturing, increasing property availability. Are there rooms available? Is the office space available? Is something affecting the ability for that place to be available to a future tenant? Decreasing interruptions for facility users — tenants and students. Are there certain things happening in commons areas — bathrooms, lobby? How is that affecting your current tenants or other facility users? They may be your own staff. How are their offices and commons areas being affected?
Increasing comfort to visitors and guests and reduce complaints. It can be huge. With the internet today, everybody is looking at reviews. What if you’re a property management company? What are the review saying about your common areas? Are there complaints? Are there praises about your facility? Again, all that related to equipment, whether it be something related to the bathroom, the air handlers, any other assets that you’re maintaining, how does that affect, those downtimes affect your space? Increasing facility access, hospitality, schools, recreation area. Improve compliance, fewer incidents, especially if you’re in healthcare and other regulated industries. Again, the downtime, it’s not just the production equipment. Any kind of assets you’re maintaining, downtime of those items does create an effect for other folks, be it your own employees or third party folks that are visiting your facilities.
So again, CMMS software provides ability to improve your asset lifespan, managing your parts and inventory levels, making sure you’ve got those proper levels in place. Managing your labor, improve utility consumption and reducing your downtime. And of course the data that’s gathered provides reports that measure current state, tracking all maintenance activities and costs, full history of what’s occurring to those assets, regardless if it’s scheduled or unscheduled maintenance. Of course documenting information that helps you to improve your performance and reduce cost. Invariably the folks controlling the money, your CFO, your controller, your VP of finance, folks in those areas, they’re looking for cost savings for your organization, cost savings that help the organization make future business decisions, growth decisions. Do we need to stabilize? Do we need to add more employees? All that plays a role, especially what’s happening in the maintenance environment.
With handheld mobile device, help you to improve maintenance performance and manage work flow, again, an idea, how to become more efficient. I imagine so, this may be the response. We have a lot more folks approaching us asking about mobile functionality. Again we know the technicians aren’t always in an office, waiting for someone to call them. They’re out and about. They’re doing work. They’re doing their repairs and maintenance throughout your organization. If they walk across an issue or if they get notified of an issue, it’s so much easier while they’re there. Pick it up on their mobile device — phone, tablet, they can manage their work order right then and there.
We’re actually going to look at an ROI Estimator that we have available. Again, we will make this available to you guys as well. I’ll just send an example. Give me one second here. You should be viewing my desktop MicroMain CMMS ROI Estimator. Again this is an example of an ROI Estimator that we have available. The information that would be included in here is applicable whether you’re looking at a locally installed system or something you’re going to do a one-time purchase, install on your local server or even a hosted system when MicroMain is hosting it in our data center for you. It can be used to different scenarios. The information that you will plug in here, these are going be your numbers. We make this tool available for you. Will you have all this information? Maybe, maybe not.
There may be other folks within your organization that you may need to consult with to gather some of this information, really to understand what is the ROI. And this is really coming in helpful for folks that are specially looking at either purchasing a new CMMS system or considering purchasing a new one or even folks that are currently not using an actual CMMS software system today. What would this mean for your organization? You know your environment. You know what kind of cost you incur, how many folks you employ. So looking at labor, of course, a big item, how do we estimate the labor? What is your PM schedule? What are your assets? Being able to pull in those dollar values to get some real numbers that you can utilize to say, “Hey, this is the kind of savings we could possibly incur, if we implemented a CMMS solution.”
Again, we are assuming a seven-year life of owning a CMMS software regardless if it’s hosted or it’s a purchased locally, installed solution. Again, this is a tool that we will make available to you after the webinar. So you’ll have it available to you to put in your own numbers that are applicable to your own environment. We’re going to also take a look at the actual application. ROI, we’re talking about numbers and of course, if you’re buying a new application, the dollars always come into play. What does it cost for the company to get this CMMS application or to maintain this CMMS application? Keeping in mind, organizational spend really comes into play in numerous areas. We talked about them a little bit during looking at those slides, so let’s actually take a look at the application itself.
What kind of time and effort is being used to receive a request to, to schedule out a work order, to assign a work order? What kind of time is it taking for technicians to perform those items as well? These are things that are very real for you guys in your environments. You see what’s happening. You know your maintenance department better than anybody else. What does this really look like from a dollars and cents standpoint?
From work orders, what work orders are out there? How do we get these assigned out? How do we get new work orders? Is there maintenance that needs to be occurring on an unscheduled basis that maybe isn’t happening, because those requests are falling through the cracks? Well, we actually have a tool that’s available. It’ s our work request feature. Again, it’s designed for folks outside your maintenance department to be able to notify you, “Hey, we’ve noticed an issue.”
So here’s just an example of a request that could be sent. My submitter is George. He’s in this particular property. He’s letting me know that maybe it’s hot in his area. Maybe he’s in area 300. Under the description – it is very hot. The request could be for anything. Maybe he’s letting me know that there’s an issue with a certain piece of equipment on the production line. Or there’s an issue in one of the tenant office. It could be for any asset, any area that your guys are maintaining. They click submit, they do get a green confirmation bar at this point, an e-mail notification. An e-mail notification from an efficiency standpoint, how do we know that these requests are coming in? The system will notify you. Who gets that e-mail? It could be a single person. It could be multiple folks that you deem need to be on the distribution to make you aware that this e-mail has occurred. These users can always see the status of their request. And once the work is done, e-mail is sent back to these requesters letting them know that the work is done.
Here’s the request that they submitted. It’s work order number 1518. Here’s that request. Again, it creates a tracking mechanism within the system. A work order is automatically created. So again, it’s not going to get lost through the cracks that can occur with e-mails, phone calls or somebody passing in the hallway and saying, “Hey, here’s a problem I noticed. Or it’s hot in my office. Can you please fix that?’ And you take three steps and somebody else is tugging on you saying, “Hey, I noticed this problem,” that’s maybe a little more urgent, so you go to that one and now you’ve forgotten about the previous request. The request is here. We were again talking about efficiency with maintaining your assets.
We know it’s for Room 300. I have Room 300 as a parent asset. Based on the description, it’s very hot. Parent asset, this becomes a link that I can click on. I could see all the child assets of this parent. A parent could be another piece of equipment. Maybe you have a larger piece of equipment that have smaller components. And you can create those generational strings as far as they need to go within your application.
We’re going to be working on Air Handler 03. All right, who do I assign this to? Again, labor always comes into play. We understand some folks are not pre-assigning their work orders. It’s kind of first come, first served. But if you’re an organization that does look at hey, for our technician, who is our technician that work on the air handlers? You can create technician-to-asset relationship to MicroMain. So if I click on add labor, I’ve got a filter here, view labor contacts, assign to asset. If you have multiple properties for your organization, if you labor-assign a property, don’t assign the wrong technician to do the work.
I’ve got Marty here assigned to do this particular work order, to this particular asset . Maybe Marty is my technician who is trained to work on my air handlers. May be he came to us from an organization that installed air handlers so he has those certification to work on it. Maybe it’s a third party contractor whom we’ve associated with this particular piece of equipment. For whatever the reason could be, because maybe it’s something that really goes beyond the scope of internal staff or maybe it’s something that’s still under warranty. And to avoid having any kind of voidance with that warranty, maybe the work has to be done by a third party contractor per the manufacturer or per your supplier. Again, how do we make it more efficient to make sure we have the right folks working on a piece of equipment? Now Marty is going to do the work. He can manage his part. So again how Marty can manage this can be numerous ways, whether it be a printed work order like many of our customers do or even via mobile device.
I’m actually going to change this to my mobile user. Excuse me one second here. I’m going to add this to my employee Paul. I’m going to show you how Paul – again, a lot of you mentioned how mobile could be very helpful , now we can issue this work order. As soon as I added Paul to this work order, again, e-mail notification. There’s the option of e-mail sent out to your technician that they do receive e-mail, even if they’re getting it on a mobile device that, “Hey, you’ve been assigned a new work-order.” Let’s take a look at that. What would Paul possible see? We’re going to log in. This is an emulator. Our mobile functionality, you can log in from a tablet, from a smart phone, you could even log in from a PC or laptop. We have a lot of organizations that even like doing that for their technicians, because they UI flows very well and it greatly limits what kinds of rights these users have in relation to your application.
So here’s the work order that we just assigned. It’s assigned to Paul. Paul can add his labor time, update parts as well. He’s got a lot of other information that he can do here. He can complete his work order here. There’s details information here, who submitted this. If you’re tracking failures, what was the failure? Paul’s doing his diagnosis. He’s noticing some problems. If you are tracking downtime as well, what kind of down time did we have related to this piece of equipment? Labor, so here’s Paul. He’s out in the field. He’s doing the work. Now he needs to update his time. I can either add my in and out times or maybe to say, “It took me a couple of hours to do the job.” Hit save. If anybody else worked on this with me, I can add them here as well.
Parts, what parts came into play. Right now, there’s no parts, but I did have to use some parts to repair this air handler. Click add. I can find parts. There is the option also, because in MicroMain, you can create those parts-to-asset relationship. Again, help reducing time to find the appropriate parts to add. If I check this box and I start typing, it’s going to start looking at parts that contain the letter “W”in it’s profile. Right now I’ve got my widget and I needed to pull it from the east stock room. It took me a couple of widgets to get it done. Hit save. If I had to use any other parts, go through the same step, click add, and start looking for parts. I started typing “A,” maybe I’m looking for air filter. You may have 50 different sizes of air filters in your facility, so again let’s filter for that. Here’s the one that is specifically associated with this particular air handler. Don’t grab the wrong item out of the parts inventory location. Let’s grab the right one. It’s saved. We used a couple of widgets, one air filter.
Under the more section, if there were any kind of inspection points. So again, if this was a scheduled item, I can manage that here as well, if I’m doing any kind of inspection point. If it’s a metered asset, I can update my meters, any other cost element, documents. Do I need to upload any kind of picture of this asset that I want to make visible to the work order, I can do so here. So I can add my own documents to this worker or have this visible within the main application.
So we’ve updated our parts, updated our labor. If I need to add any further descriptions of comments, l have the option to do so. Here is what was done. But then, if everything is good to go and I’m ready to close out this work order, hit completed. This work order is now done. As mentioned before, this came from a request. That requester, George, is now getting an e-mail notification letting him know that the work has been completed for the work order that he submitted. And if I filter by this, here’s a request. The summary is going to keep track of all my cost information, our failures, labor, how long did it take us to do this. Now I’m getting some data and some information. We can really get an estimate, how long does it usually take for an air handler service whenever we get the notification that it’s hot. Is it typically around two hours or is it typically one hour? Why did it take Paul an extra hour to get this done? Data that you now have available to you, looking back at the ROI, are we working efficiently? Are we getting things done in an appropriate amount of time?
Parts. Are we managing our parts inventory? Opening up this one part, the widget, again I issue, receive, order these parts. Under suppliers, who do I buy this part from? Order page, what are my unit quantities in which I order and that we maintain? What are my minimum inventory levels or do I want to set a maximum inventory level as well? That way I known I’m maintaining my appropriate levels of inventory. In relation to minimum, again because minimum is very key, even have alerts that are set up whenever you have fallen below your minimum inventory level. And as mentioned, there is a full audit trail with transactions, what’s happening with each part. When’s it been used on a work order? When has it been received, purchased, transferred between part locations, issued out to a technician or issued our to an asset? All that is being maintained within the application as well.
All of you guys are performing PMs which is great. Those are managed under tasks in MicroMain. Get them scheduled. Get them created . What are we doing? Are we doing actual service to a piece of equipment or are we just doing inspections? Is it a reminder to do certain calibrations to recharge our fire extinguisher? To do whatever you need to do on a reminder basis, get those scheduled within the application. And how do these get created from here? Well, in MicroMain, you have a couple of options. The system can either automatically generate these work orders, create these work orders for you or you can manually control when these orders are created.
I recently worked with an organization that every Monday, they printed their work orders for the week, so they wanted that manual control over when their PMs, those reminders are being generated. But once those work orders are created off the schedule, they will appear on this work orders list in requested status, let me uncheck that, requested status with whatever type you’ve called your work orders — preventive, PMs, inspection, routines scheduled. Again, you have the ability to control what your work order types are called, and then from here, how do they get these out to your technicians? If your technicians are on mobile and you’ve pre-assigned the technicians to those PMs, when you’re defining those PMs, those technicians are now getting e-mail notifications when those work orders appear here in requested status.
If you’re not pre-assigning those work orders, or maybe initially, you’re not utilizing your mobile functionality and you’re still printing your work-orders, again, how do we get these out to the technicians quickly? Obviously, one way is from each individual work order, make sure you have labor assigned and then print it. That could be very tedious. We do have what’s called a batch work order status. Let’s take these work orders that are in requested status and get them moved over to open status, which means they’re issued. This far left column lets me know that these are already pre-assigned or not. If I just took these two here that are not assigned, and I want to say, I need to assign these over to Marty, and if we’re not using mobile, I want to send these to the printer as well. And keep in mind, I could have selected ten work orders on this list, if we had ten from which to choose. I’m going to uncheck this, or else this really will go to my printer, but okay. I’ve not issued these work orders. They’re now assigned to Marty.
If Marty gets email notifications, even if he gets email notification on his PC, if he has access to a PC, he’s now been notified. If they needed to go to a printer, they’re now sitting at the printer waiting for Marty to come and say, “Here are my work orders that are assigned to me.” The work orders, any documents you’ve associated with work order, any inspection checklist you’ve associated with that work order are all there waiting for Marty at that printer. Or if he’s a mobile employee and has mobile functionality and access, he can get all that information from that mobile device as well.
Of course, from an ROI standpoint, lastly, how do we get this data out? We’re collecting all this information. How do we make it useful, not just to within your own department? I imagine, again, VP of finance, controller, CFO, operations folks are looking for information they can use from a business standpoint. There are over 600 reports that are available in MicroMain that you have access to. Asset-specific reports, what’s our condition log, depreciation, diminishing return? What kind of downtime are we incurring? Replacement projection, what assets are coming up to their end of life this year or next year, so we can get a graph on what our capital expenditure might be for the upcoming year. What’s our mean time between failures? Which assets are causing us the most to maintain, so highest maintenance costs? Which ones are we having to maintain more regularly than other? You’ll be able to pull all this information out of the application. After completed work orders, how long is it taking for us to do this work, whether it’s your scheduled or unscheduled work. What kind of cost are we incurring just from the work?
For example, let’s just run a sample report here, completed work order summary. I have a couple of filtering options, either standard or advanced. With standard, this will utilize an “An” statement at I start adding elements. For example, if I wanted to see what costs we’re incurring from everything happening in this building related to either a specific asset or even a group of assets, maybe all your air handlers, you want to put them all in a group. If you have a lot of equipment that are similar, we recommend placing them into a group. It greatly helps to pull them all together when running a report. You can update your dates if you want to go back. It defaults to show the last year. Maybe you want to look at year to date, for example, for this work order cost summary. I can print it out, I can preview it. I can export this report out to Excel.
Here’s just an example of this one report, again, we’re looking at completed work order cost summary from January through today in Building One for my air handlers only. Because we are tracking labor parts and other costs, these are broken out. I have my totals for each of these work orders. Here, I’ve got 24 pages of work. I do get my grand total. Again, so far, just in Building One, just working on the air handlers this year, we’re looking at about $9600 in maintenance costs. Again, don’t really know how real this really is related to your environment, but again, here’s an example of some cost information that you have available to you, that’s based on employee time, based on parts used, on any other cost elements that may have come into play for each of those work orders. Being able to get this information out and use it for yourself, for your own knowledge or provide it to your organization, again, because all this does come into play when making the future business decisions.
Again, we looked at the ROI estimator, we looked a little bit at the MicroMain solution, what areas really help to come into play when looking at hey, does it make sense for us to look at a maintenance application or is our maintenance application today really not helping us to operate in the most efficient manner. These are things to consider.
That concludes, at least the presentation part of today’s call. If you have any questions, there is a chat window that’s available for you to submit any of your questions. Just to confirm, the MicroMain solution is available for both locally installed or hosted. We did look through the mobile piece briefly. It is just a tablet emulator that we looked at. The system, it does have smart technology in a sense that if I’m logging in from a tablet, it knows what my layout should look like. If I’m logging in from a smart phone, it knows that my window is a smaller landscape, so it knows to resize it and appropriately space the items for me to maneuver with my work orders through a phone, for example. As mentioned before, our mobile for web solution, I can even log in from a PC or a laptop, the plus of that is if you have certain technicians, and they’re really not going to have admin rights in your system, that’s one way, from a security rights standpoint to limit what kind of functionality they have available to them.
A question came in related to MicroMain’s integration with GIS. Currently, that GIS integration is not available with today’s functionality. It is something that we have heard from customers and from potential customers. And we have relayed that to our development team. Where that lies on the development roadmap, don’t really know. But again, just to answer the question, one question that did come in, we currently do not integrate with any kind of GIS solution at this point.
Question came in related to PM work orders on mobile devices, yes, so inspection points, from a PM standpoint, I can manage my PM work orders from a mobile device. Under the points area, if there’s inspections that you’re just needing to check either a pass or a fail, and if it fails, is there any kind of corrective action needed. Do we want to create a corrective work order right now or just create visibility that a corrective work order is possibly needed? Yes, I can manage all that from my mobile device in addition to updating my labor time and any other parts that are may be of use on that particular PM.
We do have bar coding functionality that’s available. If I’m on a mobile device, be it Android or Apple product, by the way, our mobile solution, it’s not device-specific in the sense that it’s not limited to just Apple products or Android products. It is a mobile for web solution. So it’s not an app. It does require internet access. It doesn’t matter what kind of device it is, as long as it offers internet functionality and ability to whether you’re from on a PC or laptop, using your mouse or touchscreen, or touchscreen on the phone or tablet, but you can utilize that from a barcoding. Maybe I’m out on the field, if you do barcode your assets, you want to scan the barcode on an asset, you can pull up that asset, see if there’s any open work order for that asset. If there’s something that you see that needs to be repaired, you can start a work order right then and there to maintain that asset. If it’s inspections that you’re doing that are scheduled, again, that scheduled inspection item, you can pull that up on your mobile device for that particular asset, and be able to update your particular inspection point there.
For today, we went through it very briefly. We do not have a specific webinar just for the mobile, however any one of the regional account managers here at MicroMain, depending on which state you’re located, can definitely schedule a one on one time with you, especially if you have to search certain items that you wish to see, whether it be mobile, the work request or anything related to the main part of the application.
I’m going to go ahead and conclude today’s call, I want to thank you so much for your time, again. If there’s anything we did not discuss today, please give us a call. We’re happy to answer any questions. We’re happy to do any kind of one on one web presentation for you and your organization as well where there can really be some good feedback during a conversation like that to really look at certain scenarios that may be specific for your environment.
Again, thank you. I look forward to speaking with you guys again. Maybe you’ll be on our next webinar next month.