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Time to Spring Clean Your CMMS

This webinar provides a checklist of important topics to review in order to achieve best results from your CMMS. Now is a great time to spring clean your CMMS.

Webinar Transcription

Today, we’re going talk about cleaning your CMMS. We’re headquartered out of Austin, Texas. We’ve been in business since 1991, and we basically offer CMMS and CAFM software and services. We also have a special healthcare maintenance software version specifically catered towards hospitals and any other healthcare organizations for keeping up with the commission inspections, and over 3,700 customers worldwide. Here’s just a couple icons on the screen, logos for the different ones that we do have.

Here are just a couple polling questions. So, if you guys want to go ahead and click the answer there. “My current maintenance process: using CMMS, considering a change in CMMS, home-grown system,” or if you’re not using one, just go ahead and click on one of the buttons there. I’ll give everybody a second to fill in their choice and then we’ll skip to the results. So, you can see 66% of us are using a CMMS and then a third of us are not using one.

What you want to do is review your CMMS and now is a good time to review, reevaluate, and make adjustments to your maintenance process. You want to find out if you’re getting complete, reliable data to manage your maintenance process. Does that data include enough detail?

Within the MicroMain system, or whatever system you’re using, you want to basically populate as many details and as many fields as you can. With MicroMain, we have over 500 standard reports related to the fields within the program. So, use as many as you can, but we try to keep it as simple as possible with name and property up here being bold if you want to get started bare bones, but reporting-wise, use as many different areas and different fields as you can that way you can get the most out of it. And every so often, you want to come in and reevaluate and take a look at the information you have in there, make sure you’re getting good data out and also, make any adjustments to it to refine and basically help streamline your whole process and get good reporting.

Here are some more details. This is our detail section. You have your replaced by, replacement cost, salvage value, use for life, cost information, purchase date, install date. If you’re leasing it, you can capture that and all those will pull into sample reports. You can keep up with certain specifications such as your filter size, filter type, a lot of other detail. At the end, I’ll give you a quick little preview of the software.

We have another polling question here. “What’s your primary concern: work order management, response to correction maintenance, reporting on maintenance activities, or preventative maintenance?” You want to select one of the options there and then submit it and we’ll be able to jump over and see the results. Let’s give everybody a second just to put their selection in. Skip over to the results, and you can see most people are looking for work order management software.

So, plan improvements to your process. You want to review and update maintenance processes optimized for today’s goals. Clean up data to ensure reporting is accurate and performance issues are minimized. Run reports to gather actionable data. Then, implement programs to improve performance and reduce costs. To optimize the maintenance process, you want to analyze the total cost and maintenance to identify opportunities to improve the process and/or reduce costs through work orders, assets, parts, facilities, buildings, labor. Track preventive maintenance. Is the current plan effective? Review equipment history to identify and plan for a replacement or obsolescence.

Here is one of the reports. Asset total cost of ownership built within our system, so this one is filtered on and one piece of equipment here 001. It has your purchase date, cost, install date, salvage value, use for life, and then your total cost of ownership over here. And, depending on the data that’s in there, you’re going get good data equals good reports.

Clean up data. Are all completed work orders closed? Have obsolete work orders been cancelled? Are the naming conventions used for assets and parts appropriate? Is everyone using them consistently? Has equipment or assets been removed from operation? Are labor lists and rates current? You basically want to make sure to go in there and organize it, take a look at everything, make sure everything is in order.

Another question here. “How many users will need access to manage the system: 0-10, 11-25, 26-50, 51-100, or more than 100?” If you want to go ahead and submit your answer, I’ll go ahead and skip over to the results. Looks like most of you are between 1 – 10.

Run reports. Does on-demand work order execution meet your goals? Are preventive maintenance work orders effective? Is equipment downtime minimized? Is labor used efficiently? Are part inventories maintained at appropriate levels? This is how you can pull all this information out of your reporting tool. We’ll go through a couple sample reports here. Here’s a maintenance efficiency analysis. It looks at the work order priority and then the percentage completed at one time by priority, your work orders that are completed late, completed on time with a total, and you have your grand total over here on the right.

Here is a service analysis summary. This is going look at all your on-demand, your unscheduled, corrective-type work orders based on the services you had set up in the system. It looks at the number of work orders, the estimated time you say it takes to do that job versus the actual time to complete the job, it gives you a variance, and then an overall productivity. That way you can kind of look and see where you’re doing well and in the other areas you are falling short on so you can make those improvements.

Labor productivity. So, this one kind of pulls in all your staff and contractors. We have another one called staff productivity. It just filters out just down to your staff so you can look and see who is being productive/unproductive overall. Here is a staff productivity summary, so it kind of looks at each individual with their estimated hours versus the actual variance and then the count of work orders over here.

Pull in your highest maintenance issues to see what is very problematic. Another question for you. “Are you currently performing preventative maintenance: yes or no?” If you would submit your answer, I’m going to go ahead and go to the results. Good, it looks like everyone is doing PM.

Plan your budget. Compare actual maintenance costs against budget by department, shop, account or code across the maintenance for the operation.

There is a work order report broken down: your labor, parts, and other cost columns. It gives you a grand total across the bottom for each column plus a grand total for everything. It looks like we got cut off a little bit there.

There is a budget comparison by account report. So, you have all your account codes in there or your GL codes. See how much was expended, how much was budgeted, it gives you that variance and totals across the bottom. And the budget comparison by category, so we have account and categories, so just a different set of reports. Same thing, how much was expended? How much was budgeted? Gives you that variance and then the totals.

Budget comparison by department. Here’s another question for you. “Would a handheld mobile device help you improve maintenance management performance and manage workflow: yes or no?” So, instead of doing paper-type work orders if you do them on a mobile device, Smartphone, tablet, or a web-enabled device; would that help improve your maintenance, performance, and manage workflow? Go ahead and I’ll skip to the results. It seems like most of you think it would. It definitely does help if you can get it into your organization it does help streamline, keep everything a little quicker, a little more efficient. You can update stuff real-time, right out in the field versus the paper and doing the manual entry back into the database.

Plan budget. Are you implementing any new programs or upgrading current tools? Mobile to access work orders in the field. That’s what we just talked about there. Work request to allow online submission of on-demand work orders. So, we do have a request module to submit work requests from a webpage versus somebody calling or emailing. Bar-coding of assets and parts inventory. We support bar-coding with our products. Include training. Identify process failure points that require retraining for existing staff or train new personnel.

Implement new programs. Fully utilize software to gather complete, reliable data. Train team on process changes. Update preventative maintenance to meet your needs.

Here’s a little checklist. You want to review and update your maintenance process. Clean up data to ensure good reporting. Run reports to provide actionable data. Budget to meet goals. Implement new program.
If you have any questions go ahead and type them into chat. I’m going jump over and give you a quick preview of our CMMS program. Give me a second to share my desktop.

So, you should be seeing my dashboard here with a few boxes right here in the center. Kind of a little graphical, kind of what’s going on the dashboard of your active work orders, completed work orders, assigned/unassigned, and high priority work orders. This is a fully configurable dashboard. We have a few different widgets you can actually pull into it. These are the ones I selected for my presentation.

I’m just going to kind of run through and give you a quick little overview of our product here. I’m going to go over into facilities, and this is basically where you build and set up your database. Come over here to equipment, this is my equipment list. This is one of the slides that was on the screen here, so get into your air handler. Here’s all the details related to it. You can see I have some areas that I don’t need and don’t want to report on or care to report on at this point in time, but the more information you plug in, the better reporting you’ll get out of it, and you just want to make sure everything is set up properly as to the right group and the right account code. Is this the right shop that’s going maintain that work? You can add in pictures of your equipment, other details and another slide I showed you replacement cost, salvage value, use for life. You can pull in several reports based on that information.

You can link your parts inventory right to that, just go down right to the parts record. There’s all the details related to this part: manufacturer, model number, class, account code, category code, the control number, that’s for a barcode number. You can have one or multiple locations, different storerooms. Your order page will allow you to keep up with a min/max. You set your par levels here with a minimum. You can have alert trigger based off of that minimum. The idea is you want to keep your par level set properly that way you don’t have a lot of parts sitting on your shelf costing you money. And if you’re using a built-in purchase order piece within our program you want to set your reorder unit so it’s all tied together.

The last thing I’ll show you over here on this asset record is the file cabinet, my history file cabinet. Anytime a work order is created, a scheduled PM or task or just unscheduled, it does get reported to the asset history file cabinet, so asset maintenance history for air handler 01. You can select whatever date ranges and it will pull that information data right into the report. So for this one I’ve spent $1,870 through 59 work orders over the last 12 months. It does have some basic information on that report; what the service was, any comments on there, status of that work, and then cost from the work orders and it gives you that grand total and also captures failure codes. You can have a primary and secondary failure code and also run a mean time between failure reports.

Ideally, you’re going set up your schedules here. Your assets and then set up the schedules under task and any PM’s that you want to do or any other tasks you’re going do on a recurring calendar-based or meter-based. So, you’ll set them up over here. Those are going become work orders at that point in time. You can see several listed at the bottom. Here’s a quick preview of my air handler PM without opening up the full detail. You can see I have an annual protection, clean the windows, fire door, fire extinguisher inspection, quarterly building inspection, vehicle oil change, weekly cleaning. It could be a simple reminder you set up in the system.

Like I said, you set up all those scheduled tasks here, and I’ll get into real quick and show you the different frequencies; daily, weekly, monthly, yearly, or meter-based, so anything with an hour meter or an odometer. It’s going create work orders at that point in time when that frequency comes around. This is a template so it’s going create work orders with all the information in here to that work order. And then it shows up in my work orders list so I can click it right here on the screen, my dashboard goes right into the work order list, and just to explain this screen. I’m viewing statuses of what work is requested, open and on hold, but I can check or uncheck any combination up here to filter my list at the bottom. I also have filtering over here by property building, assets. I want to look and see what’s assigned to these work orders and let me take it a step further and run another what PM’s are tied to this. So here are two.

I’ll give you a quick preview what this looks like on paper. This is the paper-based work order. This one had inspector points so this checklist is printed up with the work order. Air handler PM at property one and the asset is air handler 06. Here’s my four points, check the bearing collar set screws, add any comments on there, check the fan blades. These inspection points will show up on that handheld and if you don’t have inspection points here’s the work order, so the detail of what needs to happen. The service is the air handler PM, property one. Here’s the description what needs to be done, here’s the asset information, air handler six, a description of it, located 41, mechanical room building three. It is under warranty. It does have an inspection checklist. The technician, there’s the parts he should take with him and if he incurs other costs, such as materials he had to go buy or rent something, you could update that information to your database and track a report on that. Place the capture of primary and a secondary failure code, run a meantime between failure reports. Lack of maintenance, vandalism, corrosion, defective parts, asset downtime. You can run a downtime report, and it is good practice to write comments that way it might be some good – a technician that might have all that knowledge in their head, that way he can share it with the others.

I’ll show you that same work order with our mobile software here. Let me just log into it real quick. This works on Smartphones, tablets; so Androids, iPhones, Windows 7, basically browser-based devices, even a browser on your desktop or laptop. Here’s that same example. This is that air handler PM. Service PM, air handler six, property one. Right now I can request that I can open it and the technician can see any details or the description of what needs to be done and write their comments in. Most of these are going have a little microphone right next to the keyboard, you can voice them in. Under labor, they can time in or time out or just update their time spent. Any parts they should take with them or add to it, they click on it and then update the quantity. They can scan them on from a barcode or add them. If you have inspection points, you can barcode all your inspection points and scan those. Otherwise, if you don’t have a barcode then you can manually just scan on it, pass it, fail it, or mark it as unvisited, and write any comments on there.

You can even create a corrective work order from a failed point within the system. It moves the comment from the failed point right into that new corrective work order. You can caster any meter readings. So, if you’re doing meter-based task PM’s and that piece of equipment has a meter on it, you can do that update. You can add in other costs right there and you can also attach any pictures that – you can just snap off a picture and attach it right to that work order. So, if you had some damaged equipment and you wanted to take a before and after picture, you can take those pictures and attach it right to the work order.

Let me slide this off the screen. It looks like we’re about out of time. I’ll jump over to our reporting side. This list, like I was saying, this is my PM’s and work orders, so scheduled or unscheduled work, and then the reporting side where it all makes sense at the end. Come in and select all the reports that you like and it sets your batches up. So I have two batches – one called Monday Morning, with all the pertinent reports I want Monday morning, and one called Key Performance Indicators. When I click that and then “run,” those reports are going be on the screen or to the printer, wherever you designate.

It looks like we’re about out of time. I’m going just run through a couple of these real quick, and it looks like most of the questions have been answered through the chat. But any additional questions submit them in, and we can get you answers. And also, if you need another in depth web demo, which we always recommend, just schedule that with your Account Manager. They can go through one and plug in your scenarios right into the program.

Here’s a good one. Work order back log, see what’s going on. Of course, whatever date range you run is going be for that period of time. Here’s my task analysis summary, similar to the one I showed you. This is for scheduled work, the other one was for unscheduled work. It gives you an overall productivity so you can look at each one and figure out where you’re falling short, where you need to make improvements. Here’s a good one here. Past due work orders 0-30 days
I think the only question that we have at this time is if you can take a minute to kind of talk about the different installation options, either hosted or an on premise solution?

Okay. Yeah, so you have the choice of either purchasing the software outright and installing it at your location, as a client server application. Or we can host it for you as a service solution. Host it in the cloud by MicroMain. We’re doing all the tech support, all the upgrades, all the backups. Everything is seamless for you. You just need a computer with internet access. So we do have both choices. That does separate us from the competition some and you can start one way and then, in the future, move over to the other. We do have that flexibility built in.

Do we have any other questions? I’m not seeing anything coming in so I think we can wrap this up. Thank you so much for joining us.



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