We’re back with a new BI update to our CMMS! On Tuesday, we pushed fresh changes to our MicroMain Cloud software aimed at making your CMMS experience better and smarter than ever.
Business intelligence, or BI for short, refers to the methods used to obtain strategic, useful data for advanced reporting and making better business data-driven decisions. This includes both the type of data captured and how this information is captured. Here’s just a few of the highlights of what we’ve updated.
- Additional parts and inventory reports – many new data models added to SSRM
- Site field added in more places (where it makes sense, of course)
- Deleted work orders no longer show up in reports. Period.
- Asset Availability added to Assets data model
- Changed the naming of “xjoin” data models, which are just joined tables, to have a more intuitive naming convention
- And many general bug fixes and improvements!
These BI updates give you the tools you need as a business owner or employee to make better-informed decisions as to what areas of your company can be improved upon. All the details are available in the help center of your CMMS- just click on the question mark in the top right corner of your screen to see more in-depth notes. If you want to know more about what BI can do for your business, contact one of our MicroMain CMMS professionals for more information!