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Maintenance Roundup 2013

A year in review. A look back at some of the top maintenance management articles from 2013.

How Reactive is Your Performance? – Plant Services

Here’s an insightful article about emergency maintenance from Plant Services, who notes, “The first casualties of emergency work are often preventive maintenance (PM) and predictive maintenance (PdM), since they are the first to be postponed. Of course, the result is that more emergency work self-schedules, since early warning signs are no longer being picked up by PM and PdM work.”

Emergency Preparedness Plans Should Address Issues From IT To Staff – FacilitiesNet

FacilitiesNet says, “When it’s time to develop or update a plan, there are certain things to keep in mind: Reach out to all departments, define what truly is critical and don’t count on being able to use your local vendors. Once you’ve developed that plan, training becomes crucial, as well.”

Automated guided vehicles: The future of material handling – Plant Services
Automated Guided Vehicles are the future of materials handing, according to this extensive collection of video from Plant Services. Naturally, a CMMS can help guide the maintenance of all your guided vehicles.

Identifying Energy Waste in HVAC and Electrical Systems – FacilitiesNet

Energy efficiency, energy efficiency, energy efficiency. Industry blogs are becoming a broken record in the subject, because energy efficiency remains so critical for reducing costs. Not to mention the PR upside, the environmental benefit, and even a potential increase in facility safety.

The CMMS Inventory Connection – FacilitiesNet

Some CMMS users rely on their maintenance management software to track inventory, while other users are more asset/work-order focused. MicroMain Maintenance, of course, can accomplish both. Are you using MicroMain software to track inventory? This article summarizes the upside to inventory tracking with a CMMS.

What is the Cost and ROI of Recommissioning? – FacilitiesNet

Recommissioning a building can help restore operating performance, but it comes at a definite cost. This video series on the benefits of recommissioning (including possible ROI) is a definite watch.

World’s Largest Office Furniture Supplier Celebrates 100 years by Reducing Its Energy Consumption and Carbon Footprint – Plant Engineering

Is your organization set in its ways with regards to energy use? You can teach an old company new tricks by adapting a forward-thinking software solution. Energy monitoring software just might be the perfect compliment to your CMMS.

New CMMS Helps Health Care System Move To Preventative Maintenance – Facilities Net

CMMS improved the condition of healthcare facilities by increasing efficiency in tracking maintenance requests. This paved the way for the department’s move to preventative maintenance. It also laid the groundwork for expanding facilities slated to open in 2013.

Benefits of Mobile Maintenance Software – Reliable Plant

Research shows that acceptance of mobile EAM and CMMS has been slow, but interest in this technology is increasing. Reasons include the decreased price of handheld devices as well as the redesign of websites to be mobile-friendly. Companies can see that selecting the right EAM software and mobile options will reduce cost and complexity while increasing the return on investment.

CMMS: Mobile Issues Important In Software Specification – Facilities Net

Many commercial facilities, like colleges, are using mobile CMMS to add efficiency to the workforce. Using a CMMS allows technicians to take photos of the problem and create work orders on the spot. CMMS is increasing work order efficiency as campuses continue to grow.

PM Optimization as a Routine – Marshall Institute

Scheduling a regular planned Preventive Maintenance is an effective form of Preventive Maintenance Optimization (PMO). Through MicroMain’s maintenance management software, managers can plan routine check-ups to ensure everything is working properly. This saves them from a lot of headaches down the line. Read more on how to optimize your company’s PM’s.

Regular Inspections, Testing Helps Improve Energy Efficiency In Chillers – Facilities Net

Energy efficiency and HVAC system reliability remain top priorities for maintenance and engineering managers. Using MicroMain’s CMMS system can help managers schedule maintenance inspections and store the information needed for those inspections. This process will, in return, help managers reduce costs and system failures.



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