Whether you’re a new customer who needs to learn how to operate your CMMS or CAFM software, or you’re an existing customer who already knows the basics but want to optimize your system further, maintenance and facility management training is always valuable. Continual training allows your organization to educate new employees and expand your use of the software to take advantage of new features and processes.
With MicroMain, you can customize the type of training you receive based on what your organization specifically needs to get out of it. To save your business even more time and money, there are training packages designed to combine training and implementation services into one low-cost bundle. And whether you prefer online training or want on-site, hands-on training sessions, we offer it all:
Introductory Training for Maintenance Management:
This Introductory Training is a 2-day small group class with hands-on training. The session covers how to organize your maintenance data, navigation, and the main features of the system.
Advanced Training for Maintenance Management:
Advanced Training is a 1-day session for small group classes. The training is guided by student questions and covers administrative functions such as system security, accounts, and utilities as well as advanced features and reports.
Introductory Training for Facility Management:
Facility Management Introductory Training is for small groups over a period of two days. The class covers organizing your facility data, space planning, personnel tracking, move management and the main features of the system.
Specialized Training:
The advantage of specialized training is that you can often train using your own database – allowing you to ask specific questions and resolve issues during training. And if delivered on-site, you will have the ability to interact with your staff as needed.
We all know that it can sometimes be difficult to get the hang of new software, or to improve the way you use it to your advantage. Our team is always ready to help your company train better to save you time and money in the most efficient way possible.
See if there’s a regional training facility near you, or check out our online and on-site trainings in Austin, Texas. We’ve got a full calendar of events lined up for 2018, and we can’t wait to see everyone out at our training sessions this year!