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CMMS Key Performance Indicators (KPIs)

Key Performance Indicators (KPIs) are terms that simply describe a measurement or benchmark used to determine results or performance. Companies using a CMMS system can set KPIs to measure things ranging from the productivity of a single worker to the overall ROI of the entire maintenance department.

Lifetime Reliability, an asset management consultancy suggests looking at KPIs in three different areas: department and individual goals, site goals and corporate goals.

In this blog, we will focus on KPIs for maintenance departments and individuals. These KPIs relate to how a worker or small group of workers are accomplishing tasks. Examples might include how often a failure occurs, what work orders are past due within the past 90 days, the amount of time it takes to respond to a work request and others.

In Maintenance Premium, these KPIs and more can be determined by simply running a desired report or batch of reports.

KPI Batch Report

This batch report, named Key Performance Indicators provides information on four key areas

This batch report, named Key Performance Indicators provides information on four key areas

KPI Graph

The KPI Batch Report can consist of written reports or graphics

With any data, it’s important to see if what you are measuring for is correct and equally important, if you can create actionable items as a result of it. It is easy to generate a KPI; generating a quality KPI is key. To generate a quality KPI, your data must be sound and your processes must be in place. A good implementation is invaluable to achieving this goal.

Lifetime Reliability summed it up saying, “A useful Maintenance Key Performance Indicator (KPI) drives reliability growth while guiding your choices for improving maintenance effectiveness and efficiency.”

How to Get Started

Need help creating and tracking the KPIs for your business or organization? One of our experienced CMMS experts will be happy to assist you! Simply book a demo with us today!



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